E2A - Methodologies
The exhibition catalogue collects the projects presented in the exhibition E2A - Methodogies. It includes a preface by Yujin Hirase and the text More than Methodologies by Tibor Jonalley.
Referring to the exhibition, the publication also plays on the themes of abstraction and reality. Architecture is to be presented as well as imagined. The models are legible as an X-ray or a full-body scan. They reveal the conceptual essential and conceal the insignificant. Images contextualize architecture within a (pre)existing reality. The construction drawings translate concepts into conventions, and are therefore the vehicle for reality. These architectural tools come into play in different phases of the design process. They also represent different levels of construction and illustration of architecture.
Editor: Kentaro Ishida, Piet Eckert, Wim Eckert
Contributions by: Yujin Hirase (JSAA), Tibor Joanelly
Catalogue Design: Sebastian Fehr, Tokyo
Translation: Kazuo Watanabe, Tokyo; Lindsay Howe, Zurich
© 2022, JSAA
order via e-mail Japan Swiss Architectural Association: info@js-aa.org