Die Organisation des Widerspruchs
Lecture Piet Eckert, Department of Architecture, TU Braunschweig
In the context of the lecture series on "Architekturpositionen", Piet Eckert is invited to present the latest buildings and projects of E2A. His lecture named "Die Organisation des Widerspruchs” will focus on the constraints of contemporary architecture as well as E2A’s interest in systemizing incoherencies and for architectural strategies that are able to integrate discrepancies.
January, 15th, 2013, 18:30
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Entwerfen und Raumkomposition
Institute for Architectural Design
Prof. Volker Staab
Pockelsstraße 3
38106 Braunschweig
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Entwerfen und Raumkomposition
Institute for Architectural Design
Prof. Volker Staab
Pockelsstraße 3
38106 Braunschweig