Leutschenbach Tower

In the Leutschenbach District, residential building has previously been restricted to the periphery. In the linear spaces leftover from allotment gardens emerge large-scale, L-shaped residential areas arranged at continuous and even intervals. Along Thurgau and Hagenholz Streets, their repetitiveness introduces a new scale, thus framing the “Leutschenbach District.” Despite their newness and size, it is essential that they remain modest.
These buildings, belonging to the fortified edge, directly determine the project context and scale, which is influenced by existing commercial structures on Thurgau Street, Leutschenbach Park, and the industrial and television production buildings.

Leutschenbach, 2010
© E2AThe park, which was created on the site of a former parking lot, transforms the back side of Thurgau Street into a central public zone and becomes the starting point for a new orientation in the Leutschenbach District.
The perimeter for the project proposal presents the opportunity to conceptualize a building and to provide new orientation and direction to the district, which matches the scale of the existing high-rises and functions as a spatial hinge between the open spaces of Leutschenbach Park and Glatt Park. The former back side of Thurgau Street will be revitalized and become a link between two formerly isolated city sectors.

Figure Ground Plan

Leutschenbach Tower
8052 Zurich
Photographs: Jon Naiman, Biel