Cagliari - Continuity
Cagliari appears as a city on the turn. Many ambitious projects are in planning: the restructuring of the harbour, the development of the university campus, a continuous bike road along the shore, a new metro line, many large housing projects and even a new stadium. Nevertheless, most of these projects currently remain on standby, waiting on the approbation of the sufficient financial resources, while the economical pressure stays considerably low.
The diploma projects are proposing an answer to the current need to rethink the public infrastructures and embed generic programs in order to propose a scenario for the development and densification of the seafront area as a part of the city.
Prof. Piet Eckert and Prof. Wim Eckert
with Adrien Meuwly
Diploma directors: Prof. João Nunes and João Gomes da Silva
Jury: Gonçalo Byrne, Massimo Faiferri, Martina Voser and Prof. Muck Petzet
Date: Tuesday, June 11th, 2019, 13.30-18.15
Venue: Aula C0.63, Palazzo Canavée
Address: Academy of Architecture, Università della Svizzera italiana, largo Bernasconi 2, 6850 Mendrisio