Porto Academy'16
Piet Eckert will lead a workshop during Summer School 2016 at FAUP in Porto, Portugal
The workshop takes place 20 - 27 July 2016. The Porto Academy is a Summer School series which is held at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP). The program consists of weeklong workshops with renowned architects, it also includes lectures held by this architects. A series of guest lectures complements the program. PortoAcadmey'16 is organized by indexnewspaper for the fourth time. Workshop leaders in 2016 are: Cecilia Puga, Piet Eckert (E2A), Christoph Gantenbein (Christ & Gantenbein), Arno Brandlhuber, Martino Tattara (Dogma), Angelo Bucci (spbr), Graça Correia (Correia Ragazzi), Nuno Graça Moura, Carmody Groarke, Adam Khan, Jun Igarashi
More soon to be announced.
More soon to be announced.
For further information and application see